PhotoRoom 20221106 233815If you have an older Zeiss Opmi-1 or Opmi-6 microscope, consider allowing using the eyeMobil LED conversion kit.  This will allow these older quality optical microscope heads to be even more dependable with LED and to run via battery. 

The EPIC Wetlab setup is new as of spring 2021.   This slimmed down version of our popular EPIC microscope comes packed in a Seahorse case which is easy to transport or take a checked luggage on an airplane.  The microscope is easy and quick to adjust for any height of surgical simulator or wetlab eye model and runs off of 110 V or 12V battery just like the EPIC II microscope.  

wetlab scope small

 scan optics small  opmi 1  opmi 6cfr upright2
Scan Optics  Opmi 1  Opmi 6 


We are happy to share that we now have new LED conversion kits for the Zeiss Opmi 1, Zeiss Opmi 6 and Scan Optics microscopes!!   These handy kits allow one to easily change out the old Halogen lighting system for a lightweight, low amperage LED system which can be easily powered with a battery power bank from 9V to 32V effectively shielding your microscope usage during surgery from power grid outages.

Please click below to view our complete product list for 2020

click here.

cable jungleWe are excited to announce that taking quality surgical video along with high quality video monitoring just become instrumentally easier!   In November 2018, we released a new wireless option for our 4K voice activated light weight video option.   

The days of having multiple cables running here and there are over and you can now run the entire microscope and video recording system will only 2 short cables that never tangle!  The tangle you see here will disappear magically!
