Beginning in 2023, eyeMobil has been partnering with Frimen, a quality manufacturer of titanium surgical instruments.  We have customized an instrument set for MSICS that has the most common instruments that are used:

  • 0.12 forceps
  • Wescott scissors
  • Utrada forceps
  • McPherson lens forceps
  • Sinskey hook
  • Long vannas scissors
  • Locking needle driver
  • Iris repositor
  • Irrigating vectis
  • Lens Loop
  • Simcoe irrigator
  • Lieberman lid speculum
 frimen msics set

Instead of paying $500+ for each instrument, each of these instruments and the sterlizing tray is available for $700.  In addition, the specific instruments can be customized

Enbio S isolated 3





eyeMobil is excited to now carry the Enbio-S Sterlizer!  Priced at nearly half of a new Statim, it will perform seamlessly for your sterilization needs.   The Enbio-S Sterilizer is perfect for ensuring quick and reliable sterilizing for your next mission or for your in office procedures in the US.  The Enbio-S sterilizer is a Swiss made, portable and rapid vacuum steam sterilizer and is FDA approved. 

VK system

The Vision Keys Digital Visual Acuity System was released November 2023 for our global community.  Vision Keys has been developed over 3 years and has been tested in a busy multiple satellite office clinic with over 80 lanes.  

Vision Keys stands out for it's ease of use and attractive pricepoint for a full featured digital visual acuity system including hardware compared to it's competitors.

Features of Vision Keys include:

• Compact Universal Portable Digital Visual Acuity System
• Works in any language 
• Custom compact wireless keypad controller 
• Snellen, New VK Numbers, Tumbling E, Landolt C, Allen figures and HOTV 
• Feet or Meters; Mirrored or Nonmirrored lanes 
• LogMar, Decimal and Franophone added in Version 3.7 
• Vesa mount for wall or table top placement  
• Easy lane size calibration from 5 feet to 25 feet

top mount angledeyeMobil has just released it's proprietary adjustable mount for the EPIC II microscope!   This innovative yet simple addition is being released with every new EPIC II microscope and can be added to any prior generation as well.   The surgeon can now decide which mount option is the best one for his or her preference.   Pictured below are the most popular mount configurations.

We would recommend the top mount angled position or the hangdown angled position as some of the most useful.  

acetal wl 1eyeMobil participated for a second year at the Kellogg Eye Institute MSICS wetlab course.  This course is arranged by the Kellogg global fellow who is Miles Greenwald this year.  Residents from all four years (PGY-1 to PGY-4) participated in learning the steps of MSICS.  The faculty this year included guests from Aravind Eye Institute - Dr. Divya Manohar and her husband, Dr. Karthik Srinivasan and eyeMobil Co-Founder, Dr. Stan Pletcher.
